LASD 2030 Competition winners receive $10,000 in scholarships

Still from first place entry by Naira & Siona Petrosian.

Last week Woodbury School of Architecture announced the nine winners of the LASD 2030 Competition as part of our Student Award Celebration and Climate Justice Roundtable. The competition jury included five distinguished practitioners and academics:

  • Germane Barnes (M.Arch ‘12), Assistant Professor at University of Miami & Principal at Studio Barnes
  • Biayna Bogosian (B.Arch ‘08), Assistant Professor at Florida International University
  • Eric Carbonnier (B.Arch ‘95), VP of Sustainability at HMC Architects
  • Rene Peralta, Teaching Fellow at Christopher C. Gibbs College of Architecture at University of Oklahoma
  • Jennifer Peterson, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Communication at Woodbury University

The jury was impressed by all seventeen submissions and is enthusiastic about the exciting work each student produced. The nine student winners were awarded a collective total of $10,000 in scholarships as part of a grant from HMC Architects Designing Futures Foundation (DFF)  to support the Year of Climate Justice. The winners include:

  • Naira & Siona Petrosian | First Prize | $3,000.00
  • Ben Luker | Second Prize | $2,000.00
  • Isabel Rodriguez | Third Prize | $1,000.00
  • Adrian Rios | Third Prize | $1,000.00
  • Isabella Pina | Honorable mention | $500.00
  • Karin Najarian | Honorable mention | $500.00
  • Jesus Montes Herrera | Honorable mention | $500.00
  • Madeline Ramirez | Honorable mention | $500.00
  • Jade Royer | People’s Choice | $1,000.00

Check out each of the winning entries below:


First Prize | Naira & Siona Petrosian | Diamond of Synergy


Second Prize | Ben Luker | Terminal Eden


Third Prize | Isabel Rodriguez | The Ion Tower: Industrial Reinvention


Third Prize | Adrian Rios | Sears Orchard


Honorable Mention | Isabella Pina | This is a short history told by lead (Plumbum)


Honorable Mention | Karin Najarian | 3-D Printed Modular Units


Honorable Mention | Jesus Montes Herrera | Buoyant Future: Lessons from Louisiana


Honorable Mention | Madeline Ramirez | Stepwell Park, Torrance


People’s Choice | Jade Royer | Coop Housing Project


A big congratulations to all of the winners!

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