Policies & Disclosures

An individual may contact the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education for review of a complaint. The bureau may be contacted at 1747 N. Market Street, Suite 225, Sacramento, CA 95834, http://www.bppe.ca.gov/, Telephone: (916) 574-8900 or FAX: (916)263-1897.


Woodbury University is committed to providing a safe environment for its community members.

Woodbury University’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is published each year to provide crime and fire statistics and information on safety and security related services offered by the university, in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.

To request a paper copy of the report, contact the Campus Safety Manager at (818)252-5250, e-mail [email protected] or write to the department at Woodbury University Security, 7500 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Burbank, CA 91504.


2022 SAN Diego Report

Private security officers monitor the campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Security officers are on campus to protect people and property and to work closely with the Burbank Police Department and the Los Angeles Police Department, Foothill Division.

Officers’ duties include the following:

  • General monitoring of campus buildings and property
  • Responding to calls for service
  • Documenting incidents on campus
  • Safety escorts -Assisting in emergencies
  • Crowd control at campus events
  • Traffic and parking enforcement
  • Maintaining a visible presence in the Woodbury University community

Security officers may be reached by calling ext. 5208 from a campus phone, or (818)252-5208.

As a part of the Higher Education Authorization Act Disclosures, Woodbury University develops institutional research addressing outcomes measures, retention and graduation rates, enrollment, IPEDS data, student activities, academic policies, and residential life and safety.

Student Achievement

Visit the below landing page for all info about State Authorization & Professional Licensure.

State authorization & professional licensure


Students, faculty and staff are informed periodically about campus security procedures and crime-preventing behavior through university publications and special memos. The policy and procedures manual and the emergency procedures handbook also provide security information to faculty and staff. In the event of a reported crime on campus, the university will provide the community with a timely notice in an effort to prevent similar occurrences. Notices will be posted and distributed on campus.

The university cooperates with local police in the investigation of all reported crimes that occur on campus. In accordance with the Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act, the university records and publishes crime statistics in the student handbook.

Questions about the university’s security policies, crime statistics or definitions of the above crimes may be directed to the Office of Student Affairs at (818) 252-5254.

On June 17, 1976, the rules and regulations applying to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, section 438 of the General Education Provisions Act, became final.

The Act deals with students’ rights to access their official educational records. Basically, the legislation gives any student or former student of Woodbury University the right to inspect and review his or her permanent records. At Woodbury University the permanent records covered by the Act include the student’s application for admission; high school and/or previous college transcript; test scores; correspondence with our office of admissions; documents pertaining to grade reports, dates of attendance and approval of leaves of absence; and correspondence with the deans.

The Act includes a list of types of records not open to student inspection. These are parents’ financial statements; confidential letters and recommendations written before January 1, 1975; letters and recommendations written after January 1, 1975, but specifically designated as confidential; ancillary records of instructional, supervisory and administrative personnel; confidential law enforcement records; and records written by physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and other recognized professionals or paraprofessionals. Students and former students may request a doctor of their choice to review their medical records.

Colleges are allowed to publish “directory information” including the student’s name, address, ID photos, telephone number, email address, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, dates of attendance, degrees received and the most recent previous educational institution attended.

Woodbury University does not publish directory information, but we will release information to certain third parties such as prospective employers or other educational institutions.

If any current Woodbury University student does not want such directory information to be disclosed under any circumstances, he or she must notify the registrar’s office in writing of the specific information not to be released.

Woodbury University administrators, faculty and members of established college committees who have legitimate educational interest may have access to students’ and former students’ files without prior consent. Specific federal, state and local officials and educational agencies conducting studies are also permitted access for definite reasons provided that personally identifiable data are not transferred to anyone else. In addition, proper parties concerning application for or receipt of financial aid have access.

Woodbury University will forward a student’s education records on written request to another school at which the student seeks or intends to enroll. Prior consent for disclosure of personally identifiable information is not required when the information

is needed in connection with a health or safety emergency or to comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena after a reasonable effort to notify the student is made.

Except as described above, Woodbury University must obtain written consent from the student before disclosing personally identifiable information from the educational records. Such consent must be signed and dated by the student. It must include a specification of the records to be disclosed, the purpose or purposes of the disclosure, and the party or class of parties to whom the disclosure may be made. The institution is required to maintain a record of all non-exempted requests for and disclosures of personally identifiable information from the education records of all students. The affected student may inspect this record of disclosure.

A student, former student or applicant for admission may waive any of his or her rights under the Act by executing a written signed waiver. Such a waiver may be revoked with respect to any action occurring after the revocation. The revocation must be in writing and signed by the student.

Published in compliance with FERPA, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, policies.

Woodbury University does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX law and regulations, including in admission and employment.

Inquiries about Title IX may be referred to the University’s Title IX Coordinator, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, or both. The University’s Title IX Coordinator is Naira Zakarian, and she may be reached at 818-252-5110, [email protected]. Mrs. Zakarian’s office is on the first floor of the Hensel Hall, Room 102. The mailing address for Title IX is 7500 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank, CA 91504-1052.

The University’s nondiscrimination policy and grievance procedures can be located at this link.

To report information about conduct that may constitute sex discrimination or make a complaint of sex discrimination under Title IX, please visit the University’s Title IX webpage here. You may also contact the Title IX Coordinator Naira Zakarian.

Woodbury University is committed to providing a non-discriminatory and harassment-free educational, living and working environment for all members of our community including students, faculty, staff, and guests. All members of the campus community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others. This policy prohibits all forms of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner violence, and sexual exploitation. Misconduct of this nature is contrary to Woodbury’s institutional values and prohibited by state and federal law.


Title IX Investigator Training

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