List of Minors

Woodbury offers the following minors

Minors at Woodbury

The following minors are offered to Woodbury students. Students interested in declaring a minor should contact the Registrar’s Office.

16 Units:
CSMA 100 ACS Lecture Series 1
CSMA 101 Introduction to Programming 3
CSMA 102 Art Technology & Culture 3
CSMA 112 Interactive Prototyping 3
CSMA 212 Media Environments 3
Select one of the following courses:
CSMA 113 Mixed Reality 3
CSMA 202 Intermediate Programming 3

Woodbury’s Art History program provides students with an understanding of the history of Modern and Contemporary Art, and a comprehension of the concept of Modernism and its legacy in the field.

We train students to consider the historical, social, and political contexts of art in terms of events and ideas; to evaluate visual, theoretical, and historical information; and to engage with theory, practice, and reflection through reading, research, and writing.

Students who fulfill the requirements for the minor will receive a solid foundation in critical methodologies that will inform and enrich their major course of study, whatever that may be. This minor program is 15 units, and all courses are 3 units each.

15 Units – Select two from the following courses:
ARTH 204 History of Modern Art
ARTH 205 History of Contemporary Art
ARTH 211 History of Latin American Art
ARTH 270 Topics in Fine Art

Select three from the following courses:
ARTH 331 History of Modern Painting
ARTH 332 History of Photography
ARTH 333 History of Land Art
ARTH 334 Curatorial Studies
ARTH 337 Video Art
ARTH 338 History of Performance Art
ARTH 339 History of Art and Violence
ARTH 340 History of Zombie Films
ARTH 341 History of Avant-Garde Film
ARTH 342 Art Theory and Practice
ARTH 343 History of Digital Art
ARTH 370 Topics in Art History
ARTH 375 Field Experience

For more information about doing a minor in Art History, contact Dr. Amy Converse at [email protected]

Required Courses:

BCIS 100 Foundations of Information Systems 3
CORE 100 Computer Science I 3
BCIS 200 Databases 3
BCIS ___ or CORE___ BCIS or CORE Elective 3
BCIS ___ or CORE___ BCIS or CORE Elective 3

For more information about the minor in Computer Information Systems, contact Dr. Thomas Chapman at [email protected].

As data and technology become increasingly fundamental to how businesses operate, understanding how to derive, communicate, and apply data-driven insights to organizational problems is an in-demand skill set that will give you an advantage over other graduates in your field.

Every industry and profession needs graduates who can use data to deepen their knowledge, further their research, and make better business decisions. That’s why our minor in Data Analytics is open to all students at Woodbury University outside of the CSDA department, regardless of college or major. Through the coursework, students will:

  • Use data analytics methodologies to solve real-world problems by analyzing massive data sets.
  • Develop an analytical mindset.
  • Become familiar with relational and non-relational databases as well as widely used statistical techniques.

All classes are 3 units unless stated otherwise.

18 units distributed as follows:

12 units of required courses (four courses):
CORE 101 Introduction to Computer Science I
CORE 102 Introduction to Computer Science II
CORE 201 Data Structures and Algorithms
MATH 226 Business Statistics

6 units in Electives (select two courses from the following list of electives to complete the minor):
CORE 301 Applied Artificial Intelligence
CSDA 205 Windows-Based Application Development
CSDA 209 Big Data Learning Analytics
CSDA 210 Database Design and Programming
CSDA 410 Data Mining
CSDA 415 Machine Learning
CSDA 480 Senior Project
CSDA 490 Internship (5 units)
MATH 252 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 260 Analytic Geometry I (5 units)
MATH 261 Analytic Geometry II (5 units)
MATH 262 Linear Algebra
MATH 310 Probability and Statistics I
MATH 311 Probability and Statistics II
MATH 312 Applied Statistical Analysis

For more information about doing a minor in Computer Science Data Analytics, contact Dr. Samuel Sambasivam at [email protected]


DCMG 204: Construction Management and Contract Administration (3 units) 
DCMG 208: Sustainable Construction (3 units) 
DCMG 402: Entrepreneurship and Management Theory (3 units) 
DCMG 404: Construction Management Law, Ethics (3 units)


Choose one:

SUPR 110: Intro. to Environmental Policy and Management (3 units) 
DCMG 405: Construction Materials – Testing and Inspection (3 units) 
DCMG 401: Design Studio 4 – Project-based Design/Build for the Community (6 units) 

15 Units – Non-fashion students please consult the department chair:
FDES 100 Sewing Machine Technology 1
FDES 110 Creating Character 2
FDES 2725 Period Costume Design 3
FDES 3713 Costume Design for Film 2
FDES 3719 Costume Collection 1 3
FDES 4706 Costume Collection 2 4

15 Units:
FDES 100 Sewing Machine Technology 1
FDES 120 Design and Illustration 1 3
FDES 125 Technical Studio 1 3
FDES 126 Technical Studio 2 3
FDES 130 Materials 3
FDES ___ Fashion Design Elective 2

Required Courses:
FMRK 100 Fashion Fundamentals 3
FMRK 235 Trend Analysis 3
MRKT 301 Principles of Marketing * 3

Select at least two from the following courses:
FMRK 246 Retail Fashion Buying 3
FMRK 330 Store Planning and Merchandise Presentation 3
FMRK 340 Fashion Promotion 3
FMRK 350 Fashion Styling for the Media 3
FMRK 365 Fashion Journalism 3
FMRK 366 Fashion Law 3
FMRK 410 Fashion Production and Wholesaling 3
FMRK 47XX Upper Division Topics in Fashion Marketing 3

* MRKT 301 will not count as a minor course for students who are required to take the course as part of their major. These students should choose three upper division courses.


For more information about the minor in Fashion Marketing, contact Professor Wendy Bendoni at [email protected].

15 units:

FILM 101 Film History 1
OR 4
FILM 102 Film History 2
FILM 110 Film Production 3

Select two courses from the following courses:
FILM 115 Cinematography 3
FILM 140 Sound 3
FILM 202 Screenwriting 3
FILM 220 Editing 3

Select one course from the following courses:
FILM 304 Thesis Pre-production 3
FILM 400 Business of Entertainment 3
FILM 401 Entertainment Marketing 3

15 units:
GAME 105 3D Art Fundamentals 3
GAME 140 Envt Design and Modeling 3
GAME 237 Materials, Lighting, Rendering 3
GAME 238 Character Design and Modeling 3
GAME 307 Character Rigging 3

15 units:
GAME 101 Game Design Fundamentals 3
GAME 106 Game Code Fundamentals 3
GAME 114 Game Engine Fundamentals
GAME 221 Prototyping 3

Select one from the following courses:
GAME 211 Level Design 3
GAME 240 Networked Game Development 3
GAME 323 Story Development 3

15 units – Not for Architecture majors:
GDES 106 Graphic Design 1 2
GDES 107 Digital Practice 3
GDES 116 Typography 1 3
GDES 217 Typography 2 3
GDES 288 Graphic Design 2 3
GDES 391 Design Symposia 1
GDES 289 Progress Portfolio 0
(Minor students are exempt from FOUN 103 Color and Composition)

15 Units – For Architecture and other Design majors only:
GDES 116 Typography 1 3
GDES 216 Typography 2 3
GDES 288 Graphic Design 2 3
GDES 285 Logo and Identity Design 3
GDES 289 Progress Portfolio 0

Select one from the following courses:
GDES 207 Digital Media 3
GDES 240 Digital Photography 3
GDES 315 Package Design 3
GDES 310 Information Design 3
GDES 256 Interactive Design 1 3
GDES 414 Environmental Graphics 3
GDES 430 Advertising Design 3
GDES 446 Entertainment Design 3
GDES 447 Motion Design 3

15 Units – For ARCHITECTURE majors only:
FOUN 106 Color Theory and Interaction 3
IDES 252 Space Planning 3
IDES 328 Tectonics 2 3
IDES 365 Lighting Design 2

Select one of the following after successful ARCH portfolio review:
IDES 363 Design Studio 5 4
IDES 382 Design Studio 6 4

For INTERIOR DESIGN majors only:

MATH 249 College Algebra 3
MATH 251 Trigonometry with 3
Descriptive Geometry
PHYS 243 Physics for Architects 3
ARCH 321 Building Two: Introduction to Structures 3
ARCH 322 Building Three: Advanced Structures 4

18 Units:
ACCT 205 Financial Accounting 3
FINA 360 Financial Management * 3
MGMT 100 Fundamentals of Business Enterprise ** 3
MGMT 110 Legal Environment of Bus ** 3
MGMT 326 Management and Organizational Behavior 3
MRKT 301 Principles of Marketing 3
* FINA 360 requires Macroeconomics as a prerequisite.

For more information about the minor in Management, contact Dr. Svetlana Holt at [email protected].

Required Courses:
MRKT 310 Consumer Behavior 3
MRKT 355 Market Research and Analysis 3
MRKT 400 Pricing Strategies and Tactics 3
MRKT 451 Strategic Marketing 3
MRKT 3XX Upper Division Marketing Elective* 3
MRKT 341 Marketing on the Internet** 3

*Course is available to students completing a BBA only

**Course is required for students not completing a BBA

*** MRKT 301 is a pre-requisite for each of these courses


For more information about the minor in Marketing, contact Wendy K. Bendoni at [email protected].

15 Units – Select two of the following courses:
MDST 100 Intro Media Studies 3
MDST 115 Media Audiences and Methods 3
MDST 241 Media Industries 3
MDST 215 Media History 3
MDST 237 Media and Identity 3

Select one of the following courses:
MDST 204 Public Relations 3
MDST 205 Introduction to Broadcast Media 3
MDST 209 Advertising 3
MDST 222 Film Studies 3
MDST 225 Writing for Media 3
MDST 226 Television Studies 3

Select two from the following courses:
MDST 300 Censorship 3
MDST 304 Social Media for Entrepreneurs 3
MDST 305 Media, Self, and Society 3
MDST 306 Radio in the Age of the Internet 3
MDST 308 Studies in Narrative 3
MDST 309 History of Hollywood 3
MDST 314 Digital Journalism 3
MDST 323 Cultural Studies 3
MDST 327 Gender and Media 3
MDST 330 Social Media 3
MDST 335 Media and Social Change 3
MDST 336 The Art of the Pitch 3
MDST 337 Surveillance and Culture 3
MDST 338 History of Documentary 3
MDST 341 Film Genres 3
MDST 342 Film Noir 3
MDST 350 World Cinema 3
MDST 370 Special Topics in Media Studies 3
MDST 3779 Media Authorship 3

Philosophy is the most ancient discipline, but it is also the most contemporary. Life today is
marked by unbridled progress, political strife, and information overload. Meeting these
challenges is impossible without the abstract thinking and conceptual agility of philosophy.

Philosophy is inherently interdisciplinary—it readily engages and informs fields as varied as
physics, architecture, history, marketing, mathematics, political science, the arts, etc.
The Philosophy minor is designed to provide the basis for undergraduate-level proficiency in
the discipline.

In addition to either the required Introduction to Philosophy course (PHIL 201) or the Ethical
Systems course (PHIL 210), the Philosophy program develops upper division interdisciplinary
courses offered as electives to students from other academic departments such as
Architecture, Business, Politics and History, Art History, etc. This minor program is 15 units, and
all courses are 3 units each.

15 Units:

Select one from the following courses:
PHIL 201 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 210 Ethical Systems

Select at least four from the following courses:
PHIL 310 Aesthetics
PHIL 311 Moral Philosophy
PHIL 312 Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 314 Existentialism
PHIL 315 Celebrity
PHIL 316 Philosophy of History
PHIL 317 Philosophy of Architecture
PHIL 370 Topics in Philosophy

For more information about doing a minor in Philosophy, contact Dr. Will McConnell at [email protected]

The minor in Professional Writing provides students with a focused course of study in writing subordinate and supplementary to their major that will enhance their preparation for their chosen professional endeavors in any field.

Many courses available in the Professional Writing major will have broad appeal to students in other majors. Your degree with a Professional Writing minor better qualifies you for professional positions.

In addition, writing as a secondary field of study allows students to pursue writing as a personal interest, an inter- or transdisciplinary integration of disciplines, and a basis for an alternative career path. This minor program is 15 units, and
all courses are 3 units each.

Select any 5 of the following courses:

WRIT 121: Rhetorical Theory and Practice
WRIT 130: Foundations of Creative Writing
WRIT 200: Technical Writing
FILM 200 Screen writing
WRIT 210: Fiction Workshop
WRIT 221: Proposal and Grant Writing
WRIT 231: Writing in the Health Sciences
WRIT 240: Writing and Civic Engagement
WRIT 241: Professional Blogging and Social Media
WRIT 300: Web Authoring: Theory and Practice
WRIT 301: Writing across Cultures
COMM 310 Argumentation
COMM 314 Digital Journalism (7500 Magazine)
FILM 318 Art and History of TV Writing
WRIT 320: Collaboration and Editing
WRIT 400 MORIA Literary Magazine
WRIT 401 Freelance Writing
WRIT 420: Topics in Writing

For more information about doing a minor in Writing, contact Dr. Matt Bridgewater at [email protected]

15 Units:
PSYC 200 Introduction to Psychology 3
Select four from the following courses:
PSYC 300 Social Psychology 3
PSYC 305 Personality 3
PSYC 306 Influence and Persuasion 3
PSYC 309 Abnormal Psychology 3
PSYC 311 Human Sexuality 3
PSYC 313 Cognition 3
PSYC 314 Psychology of Gender 3
PSYC 316 Cross-Cultural Psychology 3
PSYC 317 Media Psychology 3
PSYC 318 Consumer Behavior 3
PSYC 319 Introduction to Counseling 3
PSYC 320 Sensation and Perception 3
PSYC 321 Neuropsychology 3
PSYC 322 Marriage and Intimacy 3
PSYC 323 Psychology of Evil 3
PSYC 324 Psychology of Fear 3
PSYC 325 Psychology of Fashion 3
PSYC 370 Topics in Psychology 3

Required Courses: 

SUPR 100 Introduction to Environmental Problems and Design
SUPR 110 Introduction to Environmental Policy and Management
ENVT 100 Intro. to GIS 


Choose two*: 

SUPR 320 Envt Economics 
SUPR 321 Energy & Society 
PHIL 325 Envt Philosophy 
POHI 352 Envt Law & Policy 

The Urban Studies minor at Woodbury University is intended to prepare students to engage with the enormous challenges that global urban development brings to contemporary life. It does this by helping students obtain the critical and analytical skills needed to interpret and respond to changing urban conditions, both past and present.

While the program is interdisciplinary in format, it strives for cohesiveness by taking a culture-based approach to the analysis of the social, political, economic, and environmental issues impacting the development of cities.

Many URBS courses incorporate civic engagement projects and participation in partnerships with individuals and organizations in Urban Studies fields, such as public policy, environmental studies, public history, food justice and community development. This minor program is 15 units, and all courses are 3 units each.

15 Units:
URBS 100 Introduction to Urban Studies

Select four from the following courses:
INDS 325 L. A. Stories
URBS 325 Alternative Housing
URBS 301 Urban Theory
URBS 302 Current Issues in Urban Studies
URBS 311 Urban Ecology and LA
URBS 312 The Infrastructural City
URBS 321 Environmental Urbanism
URBS 331 Food and the City
URBS 322 The Global Metropolis
URBS 370 Topics in Urban Studies

For more information about doing a minor in Urban Studies, contact Dr. Will McConnell at [email protected]

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