School of Business Organizes Second Annual Career Development Encounter

On April 25, the School of Business organized its second annual Career Development Encounter, one of the signature initiatives from the School of Business’ Advisory Board. The event consists of members of the board forming panels to serve the students through constructive feedback and career development insights. Students from throughout the entire Woodbury community are invited to participate.

Each student met with the panel for 15 minutes and had the opportunity to receive constructive feedback from the seasoned business leaders . This year, the panels consisted of: Ahdee Abramson (Founder/CEO Pet Ventures), Jane Skeeter (Founder/CEO UltraGlas, Inc.), Wayne Ward (Senior Vice President, California Bank & Trust), Dr. Tom Oliver (President, Board of Directors for Build Industries), Paula Bahamon (Vice President, Mission Valley Bank), Nick Mitchell (Vice President, Legal Affairs and Corporate Counsel at Logix Federal Credit Union), and Sunder Ramani (President, Westwind Properties).

The first prize winners this year were, Kyle Pena (BBA- Mgmt) and Oscar Barcena (MBA). The second prize winners were: Guillermo Abendano (BBA-Mgmt) and Alex Weissman (BBA-Mgmt)

In evaluating the experience overall, the panel members offered the following valuable career pointers to all students:

  • Make sure you make a meaningful impact. Give your very best performance when entering an interview process.
  • Have your resume checked by third parties (a career counselor, a professor, an academic advisor, or even a trusted friend), to make sure you correct any spelling errors. For Woodbury students the suggestion was offered to bring their resume to the Executive in Residence meetings for feedback.
  • Maintain good eye-contact and be aware of your body language.
  • Consider the expectations from the local environment: the organization to which you apply may be situated in a different environment than the one you are familiar with. This means that you want to familiarize yourself with the local behavioral and dress codes, for instance.
  • Make sure your resume emphasizes what you aspire to accomplish. If you cannot find direct terms, make it aspirational and visionary. If you know the organization, communicate why you hope to be part of it.
  • Remain aware at all times that achievements take time. Career success is not a straight line but a winding and twisted path. Just keep in mind that nothing is wasted and seize every opportunity for growth.
  • have some questions ready to ask in return. It demonstrates interest in the workplace you are aspiring to enter.

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