Dr. Nathan Garrett (IT and Management) presented a poster and a paper at Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), the largest U.S. conference related to Information Systems. The paper, titled,”Video Tutorials Improve Students’ Ability to Recover from Errors,” compared three forms of tutorials: text, video, and segmented videos. A poster project, “What if Model Games in Excel” ͞ entailed a case presenting games for developing what-if skills in Excel, requiring students to create decision-making models, and then use those models in interactive class auctions.
Drs. Joan Marques, Adam Wood, and Satinder Dhiman (Management) recently presented at the 78th annual Academy of Management meeting, the largest global conference for
management scholars. Marques served on a research panel for doctoral candidates in Management, Spirituality and Religion, and presented a lecture titled, “Using Phenomenology as the Qualitative Methodology in Workplace Spirituality Research. Marques and Wood presented a symposium titled, ͞Rethinking Business Education: Creativity and Morality toward Betterment of All͟. Dhiman presented “Individuals, Harmonious Societies: How Can Organizations Help” (with Roberts and Crossman); “Wise Leadership for Turbulent Times: Lessons from the World’s Wisdom Traditions” (with Kriger, Quinn, Culham, and Marcus), and ͞Transcendence for Solving Grand Management Challenges (with Maheshwari, Neal, Wang, and Bauer). The theme for this year was ͞Improving Lives. The conference was held in August in Chicago, IL.
Jeff Neumeister (Accounting) recently opened the second office of Neumeister & Associates, Inc. in downtown Los Angeles. Jeff opened the firm’s headquarters in Burbank just a year ago. The additional footprint will allow the company to further assist its growing client base with professional accounting and consulting services. Jeff has been designated as an expert in multiple cases and has provided valuable deposition testimony for his clients. He has provided litigation advisory services to clients spanning a breadth of industries including construction, entertainment, health care, investments, information technology, professional services, retail, oil and gas, real estate, education, food and beverage, transportation, pharmaceutical, and manufacturing.
Wendy Bendoni (Marketing/Fashion Marketing) presented a paper (with Maria Bashutkina) at the 2018 Global Marketing Conference in Tokyo, Japan, held from July 26-29. The title of the paper was, ͞Cognitive computing and dynamic marketing to personalize for the next generation of luxury Swiss watch customers. The presented paper investigates the advancement of cognitive computing and how it can be applied through dynamic marketing capabilities to raise the bar of personalizing services and amenities provided to the luxury watch market loyal customer.
Dr. Tahmoures Afshar (Finance) recently had his research paper, challenges of Introducing Islamic Banking to the Global Financial Market published (September 2018) in the International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting. The paper identifies the major differences between the Conventional and Islamic Banking, and discusses the challenges of integrating Islamic banking and finance into the global financial markets.
Dr. Dhiman (Management) served as Editor in Chief to two major reference works: ͞The Handbook of Engaged Sustainability (Springer, co-edited with Dr. Joan Marques), and ͞The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment (Palgrave MacMillan, co-edited with Dr. Gary E. Roberts, and Dr. Joanna E. Crossman). The Handbook of Engaged Sustainability explores the application of sustainability in a wide variety of contemporary contexts—from economics of consumption and growth to government policy, sustainable cities, and sustainable planet. The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment presents an up-to-date and comprehensive survey of the field of Workplace Spirituality, using a structured yet open-ended schema to capture the best of research and practices on the subject. Read an interview about the book
Dr. Marques recently published two papers in peer reviewed Emerald journals: “What’s New in Leadership” a short paper presenting areas of importance in practicing leadership today. This paper was published inHuman Resource Management International Digest. ͞The changed paradigm of business progress: a moral step forward for humanity͟ was published in On the Horizon. This article presents a set of interrelated leadership skills and characteristics, including a discussion about their applicability and ways to develop them.
Jeff Neumeister (Accounting) just published his first book, Money Matters. This real estate book is a collaborative effort drawing on the experience of fifteen leading professionals spanning the California real estate ecosystem and beyond. Now, a decade out of the recession, now is the perfect time to cultivate, operate and invest in the real estate market. Always look forward to collaborating and combining resources with others as dynamic and robust as the real estate industry,͟ says Jeff Neumeister, who is a registered mortgage broker and the CEO of Neumeister & Associates, Inc.
Dr. Marques and Dr. Dhiman edited and co-authored the compilation Engaged Leadership: Transforming through Future-Oriented Design Thinking (Springer, 2018). This work focuses on the need for leaders in personal and professional realms, for-profit and non-profit, to understand the importance of engagement in order to achieve enhanced satisfaction and motivation among stakeholders, and hence, an augmented level of designed thinking, which leads to increased innovation and on-going leadership development.
Wendy Bendoni hosted a series of presentations on august 13th at the annual WWD Magic Social House event. The WWDMAGIC Social House connects brands and retailers with top digital fashion and lifestyle influencers as they share their most powerful online and social media marketing tactics. Wendy hosted: Bossladies – an hour-long insightful, inspiring and rich conversation with Cyndi Ramirez (founder of the chic NY-based membership hotspot, Chillhouse) and Kelly Howard (founder of Eight Sixty South, a fire marketing and media agency located in LA), titled Bossladies Calling all fashionistas and rising influencers! – exploring what’s out, what’s in, and what’s on the rise in the world of influencers (with Rachel McCord, internationally-known influencer and founder of The McCord List). Be Body Positive – a conversation with hot-topic, body-positive influencers, Alex Michael May and Britney Vest, who shared their thoughts on the full-body embracing clothing and fashion markets of 2018. Internet brands discussion –a conversation with Demi Marchese, founder of the poppin’ e-retail brand, 12th Tribe, on how she established her online presence and continues to keep it relevant in an over-saturated market.
Dean Marques was invited for a presentation at Jet Propulsion Laboratories in Pasadena, on Wednesday, September 19th. The title of her presentation was “Reinventing Ourselves: Succeeding in Personal and Professional Life” and was attended by several staff and administrative members from the finance, business and IT departments. The presentation was very well received and reaffirmed Woodbury’s presence on the radar of this important local employer. The intention is to conduct several ‘lunch and learn’ presentations in the coming months by School of Business administrators.