STARMEN CEO Armen David Participants in Entrepreneurial Lecture Series

Last January, the School of Business and the Center for Entrepreneurship organized the first entrepreneur lecture for this semester. Armen David, an alumnus from both  undergraduate and MBA programs in the School of Business, conducted a highly engaging session attended by students from multiple Woodbury programs.

Mr. David inherited the entrepreneurial spirit when he worked as a teen for his family’s clothing manufacturing business. During his Woodbury student years, he came up with the idea to combine his creative side with his business mind, and hired Woodbury graphic design students to help with branding and design for his family’s business. He then created a marketing agency, The Starmen Design Group, to work on brand identity.  Given the growth of online marketing, the company’s focus has grown to integrate the many facets of design communication and technology to facilitate measurable brand growth. As clients began requesting additional services, Mr. David and his team made them happen–building relationships with potential clients, nurturing leads and closing the sale. Mr. David shared some valuable entrepreneurial tips with his audience, including:

  • The importance of networking
  • The value of build meaningful relationships with other business owners
  • How critical it is to focus on cash flow first, then scaling your business
  • How critical it is to hire the right people

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