
Jameson Rollins on Gravitational Waves and Astrophysics

The Applied Computer Science Lecture Series features practitioners from a wide range of creative and scientific fields, all of whom incorporate applied computer science and technology at the core of their professional inquiry. Open to the entire Woodbury community, the lectures aim to foster dialogue around the increasing role of technology in society, its application across a diverse range of professional practices, the resulting explosion of creative and expressive modes of production, and the ethical and moral dilemmas that have emerged as technology has evolved.

Jameson Rollins is a staff Scientist in the LIGO Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in New York City, where he worked on one of the first low-latency gravitational-wave search pipelines. He then moved to the LIGO Laboratory where he designed and built the automation system for Advanced LIGO, which discovered gravitational waves for the first time in 2015. He now works on automation, computer control, and data processing of current and future gravitational wave detectors.

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