Woodbury Recognized as a ‘College of Distinction’ for Sixth Consecutive Year

Colleges of Distinction Woodbury University 2020-2021For the sixth consecutive year, Woodbury University has been recognized for its honorable commitment to engaged, experiential education by Colleges of Distinction, a trusted resource for guidance counselors, parents, students, and hundreds of colleges and universities across the U.S.

According to Colleges of Distinction, Woodbury has created a unique environment where the student experience is at the center of learning. Problem- and project-based learning strategies are integrated throughout the university’s curriculum, often in community settings where individual and collaborative contributions make a significant difference.

While higher education has changed over the last 20 years, Colleges of Distinction’s selection process has stayed consistent—conducting in-depth research and detailed interviews with the schools themselves about each institution’s freshman experience and retention efforts alongside its general education programs, career development, strategic plan, student satisfaction, and more—and accepting only those that adhere to the Four Distinctions: Engaged Students, Great Teaching, Vibrant Community, and Successful Outcomes. Overlaid in the last few years have been a look into High-Impact Practices. This model prioritizes the opportunities institutions have for students that make for a fulfilling, individualized college experience.

“Woodbury University’s mission is to transform students into innovative professionals who will contribute responsibly to the global community,” said David Steele Figueredo, President of Woodbury University. “We have focused on academic excellence and innovative engagement of all our students while providing a practice-based education. As a Hispanic Serving institution, we have also maintained our history of diversity, and catering to first-generation students of lower socio-economic status. Earning the honor of a College of Distinction designation for the sixth consecutive year is a recognition of these core values of our institution.”

Now in its 20th year, Colleges of Distinction is committed to honoring schools throughout the U.S. for true excellence in higher education. The member schools within the Colleges of Distinction consortium distinguish themselves through their dedicated focus on the undergraduate experience. For more information, visit CollegesofDistinction.com.

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