Nan Rae Gallery Presents Sentience: Photographs by Edward Alfano and Lesley Krane

A photo from Edward Alfano
One of Edward Alfano’s photos from the exhibit
A photo from Lesley Krane
One of Lesley Krane’s photos from the exhibit

A two-person photography exhibition, Sentience, featuring artists Edward Alfano and Lesley Krane, will be featured at Woodbury’s Nan Rae Gallery January 19 – February 23.

Edward Alfano produces black and white photographs that speak less about Cartier-Bresson’s decisive moment, and more about the images’ possibilities. Alfano’s emphasis on light and shadow is enhanced by his use of infrared film, which promotes greater abstraction. Attempting to create a sense of timeless harmony, Alfano’s connection to the photographs transcends the context of a mechanical representation that functions as a record of the past. Considering both manmade and natural subjects, the intersections of past and present cultures, and a hyper-visual orientation, Alfano cultivates images that encourage viewers to contemplate, explore, and interpret matter, space, and time.

Edward Alfano began his education in plant biology, using light and electron microscopes.  These investigations led him to photography, and his introduction to black and white infrared film catalyzed his decision to become an artist.  After a career in commercial photography, Alfano joined the faculty in the Art Department at California State University, Northridge in 1989, where he has concentrated on fine art photography and teaching.  He exhibits nationally and internationally, and his work is included in both university and private collections.

Visually detached from their original context, Lesley Krane’s color photographs of interiors emphasize psychological spaces more than physical dimensions. Images of walls, windows, and other domestic surfaces provide content by conveying a sense of familiar intimacy. The spaces contain the residue of human activity, and straight-forward and random double exposures made with analog and digital approaches imbue ordinary settings with a mysterious significance that establishes an unlikely pictorial space.

 Born in Los Angeles, Lesley Krane earned a B.A. in Art at UCLA and an M.F.A. in Studio Art at the University of New Mexico. She has taught in the Art Department at CSUN since 1999 and encourages students to have a reverence and sensitivity for still photography. Lesley’s work has been published in Lightleaks and The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes and exhibited at local and national venues, including the Soho Photo Gallery in New York City, the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the Broome Library Gallery at California State University, Channel Islands.

 Exhibition Details:

Dates:         January 19 – February 23, 2019 – Opening Reception: Sunday February 3, 1-4 pm
Hours:         Wed.: 12:00pm – 7:00pm, Thurs. – Sat.: 12:00pm – 5:00pm.
Location:    Nan Rae Gallery, Woodbury University: 7500 N. Glen Oaks Blvd, Burbank
Phone:         818-252-5212

Learn more about the Nan Rae Gallery

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