Mariya Palanjian Leads WUSB Smart City Takeover

As part of the School of Business’ ongoing efforts to enhance community awareness about our programs and initiatives, a collaboration was established with Mariya Palanjian, founder and CEO of Globafly and respected alumna of WUSB’s Bachelor of Science and MBA programs. 

Globafly’s specialty? Connecting and amplifying brands within local communities through a concept they call “city takeovers,” which involve sponsored local events, retail and restaurant giveaways, meet & greets with influencers, access to exclusive concerts/art exhibits, and more.  

Through this marketing strategy, which Palanjian describes as “today’s word-of-mouth advertising,” a brand can bring attention to its products, while positively impacting communities by generating revenue for the individuals and small businesses that promote the products on the brand’s behalf.    

Throughout this three-month collaboration, Palanjian is working with four BBA student interns and one MBA student assistant to provide them with exposure to a full-fledged, real-life marketing campaign and other valuable professional insights that they can apply to their future careers. This project will also result in certificates for each of the student participants and enhanced visibility for the School of Business programs. 


Last Updated on February 22, 2023. 

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