Marc J Neveu Presented at SAH/JSAH 2016 Roundtable

Woodbury University Architecture Chair, Marc J Neveu, recently participated in a roundtable discussion at the Annual Society of Architectural Historians Conference 2016 in Pasadena, California.

In the panel, four editors (Patricia Morten, JSAH, Nancy Levinson, Places, Maartin Delbecke, Architectural Histories) shared their perspective on the current state and future of architectural history publishing, particularly as regards to digital media, from moving an established publication online to creating a born-digital journal.

How do new media affect the scholarly argument, its presentation, and its reception?
Does online publication work better for some types of content than others?
Are audiences for architectural history different online?
Are their expectations of how to interact with journal- or monograph-based scholarship different, and if so, how do publishers respond?
Does peer review change with online publication?

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