Fall 2021 Security Updates for Students

Dear Students,

With the fall semester fast approaching, campus security would like to take this time to provide important updates.

COVID-19 Vaccination Required to Enter Campus

Campus Security will only allow you onto campus if you are fully vaccinated. Please visit https://www.studentehr.com/ to upload your vaccination card. We also highly recommend bringing it with you to enter campus. ​For those vaccinated in California, you can also obtain a digital copy by visiting https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/

For students ​who are unable to return to campus, please complete and submit the Fall 2021 Remote Class Access Accommodation Form. For all questions, please contact Disability Services at [email protected]. Any accommodations granted for remote access to courses are for all courses and students cannot access campus facilities.

Campus COVID-19 Testing
Woodbury is providing free weekly COVID-19 testing until the end of September. We highly encourage everyone to participate in the testing but will not make it mandatory as we have mandated the vaccine to access campus. However, this may change as necessary. Weekly testing is due to the fact that we will have many community members returning to campus from outside of LA County, so this will help us catch any vaccinated individuals who may be asymptomatic and test positive.

Student ID’s
If you are a new student, please visit https://woodbury.libwizard.com/f/student_id.

If you need a replacement ID, these should go through [email protected]. It is important that you report a lost student ID immediately as most cards are programmed for door access.

Doors with card readers on campus will remain unlocked during the day until the add/drop date. So please ensure you obtain your student ID card as soon as possible.

Parking for fall 21 will be free. However, a permit must be obtained by visiting https://www.permitsales.net/WoodburyU. These permits are NOW AVAILABLE for registration. You must have your permit obtained by the add/drop date (9/7/21) as this is the first day it will be enforced. Please remember that parking spots are first come first serve. Further, campus entrance times are expected to take longer than normal. Please ensure you give yourself extra time to check in with security.

We look forward to your return to campus for the Fall 2021 semester. Should you have any questions, please email [email protected].


Last Updated on August 13, 2021.

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