Enhancing the Woodbury Experience - University Ushers in the New Decade with a Fresh Strategic Direction

Capping an extensive and inclusive process, Woodbury has released Enhancing the Woodbury Experience, the university’s 2020-2024 Strategic Plan – articulating five broad goals underscored by 19 discrete strategies, and aimed at defining the institution’s path for the next five years.

“Enhancing the Woodbury Experience is Woodbury University’s roadmap for guiding our institution through changing times,” said Dr. David Steele-Figueredo, Woodbury President. “While higher education is undoubtedly in flux, there are an abundance of opportunities to use our numerous strengths to our advantage and position Woodbury to succeed both academically and financially in the future.  As an example, Woodbury is launching Computer Science programs across the university with the use of a Title V Grant of $3 million received late last year from the Department of Education.”

“Our administration and Board of Trustees are confident that the goals outlined in Enhancing the Woodbury Experience will build on what makes Woodbury a great place to learn,” he said. “From the unwavering commitment that our faculty and staff have to our students’ success, to our location in one of the most creative and innovative places on earth, this plan will guide us forward as we continue to achieve great things.”

An integral part of the university’s overall strategic direction — which encompasses Woodbury’s mission, vision, core values, strategic principles, and emphasis on diversity and sustainability – the Enhancing the Woodbury Experience zeroes in on reaching five internal and external goals to:

  1. Achieve Academic Excellence
  2. Contribute Responsibly to the Local and Global Community 
  3. Enrich the Student Experience Through Purposeful Engagement
  4. Build Reputational Strength
  5. Build Financial Stability and Operational Excellence

“Enhancing the Woodbury Experience is our plan to build on these profound strengths that have served our institution since it was founded back in 1884, and ensure that our mission continues to be effectively carried out for generations to come,” Dr. Steele said.

To learn more about Woodbury’s mission, vision, values, strategic principles and 2020-2024 goals and strategies, click here.

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