Burbank Community Garden: Design by Woodbury Students

During the Spring 2014 semester Woodbury University architecture students developed plans for the Burbank Community Garden. In collaboration with the City’s Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department, students led community design workshops, developed, and presented plans for two potential sites.

Garden features vegetable plots and amphitheater

A jury of City staff selected a final plan for refinement and presentation to the City’s Park Board in October 2014. These final plans for a corner lot on Chandler Blvd were recently allocated City budget funds. The garden will feature vegetable plots, native demonstration gardens, and an educational gathering space with amphitheater and shade structure.

Community Garden update in The Burbank Leader

A recent article in The Burbank Leader gives an update on the Burbank Community Garden project, which is estimated to be completed by the end of this fiscal year. The article shows a conceptual rendering, produced as a collaboration between Woodbury University architecture professor Katherine Harvey and her students.

It features a design that was proposed for the community garden at the corner of Chandler Boulevard and North Pass Avenue. The students came up a plan that includes a shade trellis, an amphitheater, California native plants and 4-foot-by-10-foot plots Burbank residents could lease and cultivate.

Read the full article in The Burbank Leader here.

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