Anthony Fontenot Explores Bauhaus Design and the Work of Director Hannes Meyer

Professor Anthony Fontenot was recently published in a new book on Hannes Meyer. Published in German, the book by Philipp Oswalt, ed., Hannes Meyers Bauhauslehre – Von Dessau nach Mexiko (Birkhäuser Verlag, 2018) includes Fontenot’s chapter titled “Streit um die Bauhauskonzeption: Hannes Meyer gegen László Moholy-Nagy” (English translation: “The Battle Over Bauhaus Design: Hannes Meyer Versus László Moholy-Nagy”) which explores the contentious relationship between Meyer and László Moholy-Nagy. The chapter was based on a lecture that Anthony gave at the international symposium at the University of Kassel, School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture in March 2018.


Book Cover: Hannes Meyers Bauhauslehre – Von Dessau nach Mexiko

The symposium engaged with the pedagogical concept and praxis of Hannes Meyer, which he developed and subsequently pursued as a teacher and director of the Bauhaus Dessau from 1927 to 1930. As the organizers stated, “Hannes Meyer significantly altered and restructured the educational programme of the Bauhaus, established by Walter Gropius and the masters he appointed (1919 – 1927 / 28). Not only did he found the architecture department at the behest of Gropius and introduce scientific studies into the design process. In the lessons, he also successfully realized construction projects with the students (the Houses with Balcony Access, the Nolden House) and industrial production projects (the Kandem lamps and Bauhaus wallpapers with the Rasch Brothers & Co.). By appointing new teachers he founded the urban planning department (Hilberseimer) and the photography workshop (Peterhans) and introduced important new scientific fields into the teaching by means of guest lectures.”

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