Faculty / School of Media : Culture : Design

Kristen Fuhs

Professor, Media Studies

Kristen Fuhs’ research and teaching interests center on media and cultural studies, with particular specializations in documentary and film history. In addition to courses on these topics, she regularly teaches classes on media & identity, censorship, film genres, surveillance, and the history of Hollywood. Her scholarly articles have appeared in collections and journals such as Cultural Studies, the Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television, the Journal of Sport & Social Issues, and Vocal Projections: The Voice in Documentary Film, among others. She is also the co-founder and editor of the documentary criticism website Docalogue, as well as the related Docalogue book series. The first title in this series, I Am Not Your Negro: A Docalogue, was published in June 2020, and the next title, Kedi: A Docalogue, is forthcoming in early 2021.


PhD, Critical Studies, University of Southern California
MA, Critical Studies, University of Southern California
BSSP, Communication Studies, Northwestern University


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