WUHO Gallery Presents Building Drawings

Woodbury University Hollywood Outpost presents Building Drawingsan exhibition featuring the work of Bryan Cantley of Form:uLA, an experimental design studio in Los Angeles. Cantley is a professor of Design Theory at CSUF, School of the Arts, and as the founder of Form:uLA, his work explores the boundaries of architecture and representation and the role of drawing within the discourse of visionary space.

Building Drawings Reception
Saturday, October 20, 2018 at 6-9pm
6518 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028

Formu:LA has been conducting architectural research and experimentation since 1992. The work of Form:uLA recognizes + celebrates movement and makes an attempt to explore the relationship between physical environment, inhabitant, and observer. Process and methodology are the strong areas of pursuit in both Cantley’s studio and teaching approach. The studio attempts to define the solving of problems without becoming a slave to style or aesthetic convention. Having limited precedence, the work brings the association between architecture and the culture of technology into sharper focus. The approach centers on process: shape grammars, formal transformations, and Hyperspace theory.

An alumnus of UCLA, Bryan has lectured at a number of architecture schools internationally, and has taught as visiting faculty at SCI-Arc and Woodbury.

The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art purchased eleven of Bryan’s models and drawings in 2001 as a part of their permanent collection. He is also the recipient of a Graham Foundation Grant (2002) and has held a solo exhibition and served as the International Guest Lecturer at the Bartlett School of Architecture in 2008 and 2017. Cantley’s work has been exhibited at the SFMOMA, UNCC, and UCLA, among other institutions.

Cantley’s solo exhibition “Dirty Geometries + Mechanical Imperfections” premiered at SCI-Arc in 2014, and his work was featured in AD Magazine’s “Drawing Strength From Machinery” in 2008, and “Drawing Architecture” in 2013. Cantley has also had drawings published in the Journal of Architectural Education and numerous other international magazines including Surrealism and Architecture (2016) and Celebrating the Marvelous: Surrealism in Architecture (2018). He is presently working on a follow-up to his first monograph, Mechudzu (2011), tentatively titled “Speculative Coolness”.

Curated by Ryan Tyler Martinez


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Image Courtesy Bryan Cantley
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