Students of the Bachelor of Architecture and Master of Architecture programs in San Diego participated in the first ever Urban Land Institute (ULI) San Diego-Tijuana Student Healthy Places Design and Development Competition.
Utilizing the Buena Creek Sprinter Station as the site, multi-disciplinary teams of university students learned first-hand about how to work in a professional team process, and what compromises have to be made to ensure that a project is financially feasible, aesthetically attractive and promotes healthy activities and lifestyle for its future inhabitants and users.
This year’s participating universities included Woodbury University, New School of Architecture and Design, San Diego State University, and University of San Diego. The ULI competition partners are the County of San Diego Planning & Development Services and Health & Human Services Departments, San Diego Association of Governments, and North County Transit District.
The Winning Team
Sponsored by Greg Strangman, LWP Group
Mentored by Andrew Malick, Malick Infill Development
Woodbury Students:
Team Finalists
Sponsored by Wells Fargo
Mentored by Kelly Souza
Team Members: