Woodbury Hosts Heroes and Villains Comic Panel in San Diego

Woodbury University San Diego will be hosting a Heroes and Villains panel discussion on Friday, July 14th in the School of Architecture library.

Heroes and Villains Panel Discussion
Friday, July 14, 2017, 12:30pm – 2:00pm
2212 Main St, San Diego, CA 921133

The exhibition and panel will explore how to transform two dimensional characters into 3D with architecture and animation technology. Representation techniques and digital media used in workshops and studios at Woodbury University will be discussed. A public critique of the work created in the Heroes and Villains workshop will follow the discussion and Q&A portions. The panelists include:

Ric Heitzman, Associate Professor of Animation, Woodbury University
Slade Kauffman, Adjunct Instructor of Architecture, Digital Fabrication Manager, Woodbury University
Alonso Nunez, Founder, Little Fish Comic Book Studio
Andrew Wagner, Adjunct Instructor of Architecture, Digital Fabrication Manager, Woodbury University

The discussion will be moderated by Cathryn Copper, Librarian and Associate Professor at the School of Architecture. Light food and drinks will be provided.

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