Wedge Gallery reimagines traditional exhibitions with interactive online content series

Curated by Ryan Tyler Martinez and hosted by Woodbury School of Architecture’s Wedge GalleryLectures Interviews Exhibitions challenges the status quo of exhibiting physical objects by replacing them with podcasts, pre-recorded lectures, interactive architecture applications, and animations.


Outpost Office. Photo by Stephen Takacs

The series will launch on March 8th, 2021, at “We have been fortunate to work with designer Robyn Baker on the digital site and graphic language for the series,” said Martinez. “We have a fantastic group of participants. There will be multiple formats to engage with their work. You will be able to download a transcribed conversation or listen to the same conversation as a recording. You can watch pre-recorded desktop lectures. These lectures are an opportunity for the participants to present a recent body of work, or to share the workflow and cross-collaboration they have with their team and showcase software, tools, or techniques they use in their office.”


© Jonni Cheatwood. Untitled.

This series aims to explore the question of what it might look like to operate outside of a traditional gallery space while still maintaining a physical space.“ Our university gallery spaces have become site-specific moments in time with site-specific groups of students and faculty. Campuses rarely operate on a national level outside of their local area,” Martinez added.

Lectures Interviews Exhibitions is a hybrid model for a new kind of creative engagement. On March 8th, when visitors visit for the launch of the series, they will have the opportunity to interact with work from: 

Don’t miss it! 

Cover image by Robyn Baker.

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