School of Business Professors Present at Academy of Management

Woodbury’s School of Business’ Management faculty engaged in a range of presentations at the annual Academy of Management conference, the largest global conference for management educators, last August in Boston. Their presentations were geared toward sharing of knowledge and practices to peers and up-and-coming scholars.

Left to Right: Dr. Satinder Dhiman, Dr. Adam Wood, Dr. Joan Marques and Dr. Svetlana Holt
Left to Right: Dr. Satinder Dhiman, Dr. Adam Wood, Dr. Joan Marques and Dr. Svetlana Holt

Dr. Joan Marques, who in addition to being a professor of management is also the dean of the School of Business, conducted a workshop on Phenomenology as a Qualitative Research Method. The interactive workshop, which was part of the annual research consortium of the Management, Spirituality and Religion (MSR) interest group of the AOM, was attended by about 50 doctoral candidates from across the globe.

Dr. Satinder Dhiman, who in addition to being a professor of Management is also the director of the MBA program at Woodbury, co-presented two symposia, titled, “Creating Inclusive Organizations through Wise Leadership, Servant Leadership & Inclusive Leadership”, and “Managing by the Bhagavad Gita for Organizations to Become Inclusive” respectively . The latter of these two presentations was also listed as an All Academy Theme Symposium & received the MSR Best Symposium Proposal Award.

Associate professor of Management, Dr. Adam Wood, and Chair of Management, Dr. Svetlana Holt, co-presented a PDW workshop titled, “Sparking Creativity in Business Students: Addressing the Most Requested Job Skill in 2019.”

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