Psychology Department Celebrates 100% Senior Acceptance to WPA

Students to present findings of their thesis research at peer-reviewed conference

The Woodbury Psychology Department is excited to announce that all 14 of our graduating seniors were accepted to present their Senior Thesis projects at the Western Psychological Association annual Convention. This brings the program’s lifetime acceptance rate to 94%. Acceptance is based on a blind peer-reviewed process where our students are judged against graduate students, professors, and professional researchers. The Woodbury psychology program is among the most demanding in the field. Our students are required to take multiple statistics and research courses culminating in an individual empirical thesis project. The result is students who are way ahead of the curve upon graduation evidenced by our laudable 90% acceptance rate to graduate school. A sample of projects includes: Lauren Carrington’s study on Adult Attitudes Regarding Romantic Relationships and Child-Rearing after Early Parental Loss, Nare Nazaryan’s study titled, “It’s Not Just for Kids”: Association between Bullying, Narcissism, Shame and Irrational Aggression in Young Adults, and, Moayad Al Marrar’s study, Seeing What You Want to See: Political Orientation and the Selective Recall of Political Information.

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