“Shaping Morally Responsible Leaders: Infusing Civic Engagement in Business Ethics Courses” is the title of a recently published paper from the hand of Dr. Joan Marques, professor of Management at Woodbury University’s School of Business. The article appeared in the May 2016 edition of the Journal of Business Ethics (Volume 135, Issue 2, pp. 279–291), an “A” level, blind peer-reviewed journal.
In this research paper Marques approaches civic engagement in the form of social and moral awareness projects in management courses. She identifies this as a growing trend among higher education practitioners, especially business schools, in response to the many embarrassingly self-centered business CEO acts in recent years. In her article, Dr. Marques reviews the achievements of 156 undergraduate and graduate business students in regards to their social and moral responsibility projects, and the preferences they displayed in selecting the topics of these projects. The study pertained to projects implemented over the course of two years. The highest student involvement was detected in poverty alleviation (49 students), followed by child health & welfare (33 students) Animal welfare (20 students) environmental responsibility (17 students), homelessness (15 students), supporting the disabled (8 students), supporting the elderly (6 students), community health (5 students), and supporting youth (3 students).
“Shaping Morally Responsible Leaders” accentuates a wide variety of advantages tied to social and moral awareness projects, varying from greater understanding of students about the needs in society, and improved connections between the sponsoring institution and the community, to more focus in students’ selection of future careers, and greater personal and professional emotional intelligence levels among these students (see below).
With the publication of this research work, Dr. Marques not only provided a useful reference for scholars and practitioners interested in civic engagement and social awareness enhancement projects; she also profiled Woodbury University as a model institution for higher education, by highlighting its institutional commitments (design thinking, entrepreneurship, transdisciplinarity, and civic engagement) and the School of Business mission themes (leadership, ethics, globalism, and communication) as foundational prerequisites for successful project implementation in the paper.
With “Shaping Morally Responsible Leaders”, Marques has published her fifth article in this prominent journal in the last six years.