Housing Update: Restricted Access to Residence Halls

Dear Residents,

Starting today, we will be restricting access to residence halls to a limited number of students – those who have no other option than to be here – through the end of the semester. If you left the residence halls prior to spring break, please do not return to retrieve your belongings until we establish a safe and orderly process to do this later in the semester. We have limited access to many places on campus in order to meet social distancing requirements and to protect the health and safety of those who are still living and working on campus. Be assured we are keeping your rooms locked and your belongings safe. We know this is important to you, and we will have more information in the coming days.

We have developed the following criteria for students who will be allowed to return to the residence halls for the remainder of the semester:

The student’s permanent residence is outside of the United States and is unable to travel to their home country.

The student has personal circumstances preventing them from returning home, some examples include:

  • The student is an independent student.
  • The student is part of the foster care
  • The student/student’s family does not have a permanent
  • The student’s home community is
  • Returning to home represents a health/safety threat to the student or those at
  • Returning home will prevent the student from accessing their courses remotely because of insufficient internet and technology

Again, only the students who meet one or more of these criteria will be able to return to the residence halls this semester. We will make an application form available for such students in the days ahead.

Additionally, dining options on campus will be significantly limited, primarily to grab-and-go options, and recreational opportunities will be unavailable.

We will not have a specific plan or answers related to unused portions of on-campus housing and dining plans for a couple of weeks. We understand this is an important issue and will communicate with impacted students and families in the near future.

Please continue to take the preventive actions as recommended by the CDC, including washing your hands, covering coughs with your elbow/sleeve, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, and clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. Also, please avoid groups and keep a physical distance from others.

I suspect that this news is alarming for many of you, and I know will generate many questions. We pledge to share more information and instructions for you in the days to come, and we will continue to provide updates by email and on our dedicated

website https://woodbury.edu/student-life/living/safety-security/. You can also email questions to [email protected].

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