Assistant Professor Héctor M. Pérez was recently interviewed by Arquitexto, an architectural magazine in the Dominican Republic covering architectural practice. The interview follows Pérez’ visit to an architectural conference in Santo Domingo.
In the summer of 2016, Pérez had the opportunity to participate in the 26th Conferencia Latinoamericana (CLEFA) and the 26th Encuentro Nacional de Escuelas y Facultades de Arquitectura (ENEFA), concurrent events hosted in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Additionally, he was invited to deliver the keynote lecture to an audience composed of architecture professors, administrators and students from across Latin America and the Caribbean.
During the week-long events, he had the opportunity to participate in a round-table forum where the relationship between academia and praxis were discussed. Pérez said, “It was a great opportunity to showcase the exemplary work of our MSArch RED alumni and present Woodbury University’s MSArch RED program success as evidence of tangible integration of academia and practice.”
Read Pérez’ interview (in Spanish) in Arquitexto.
Héctor M. Pérez was also recently listed among construction and design leaders in San Diego by the San Diego Transcript. In the November 16 print edition, the San Diego newspaper featured prominent local designers, including Pérez and The Red Office, in a supplement.
In the feature, written by Jennifer McEntee, Pérez said that “he challenges his Woodbury students to consider who they are and how they, too, can contribute to the greater good.”
“My message for them is: how do you do what you always dreamed of doing while bringing benefit to others,” he said. “We need to be designing things that are properly scaled, sited and serve the community.”