Farzaneh Akhavan Tabatabaei places third in 2021 IIDA Competition

Recent graduate Farzaneh Akhavan Tabatabaei (MID ‘21) placed third in the 2021 IIDA Student Design Competition for her entry DÉJÀ Healthcare Clinic. According to the project description:

“The DÉJÀ healthcare clinic’s design is simply about the patients, their beloved ones, and the caregiver’s wellbeing within the space. The aim is firstly an area where a feeling of home-fullness can be reached through the understanding of an individual, appealing to multiple generations without any gender limitation to make sure the visitors feel welcomed and comfortable. This satisfaction can result in having patients back in this clinic again or they might feel they have been there before (Déjà vu) which would also speed up the healing process. Secondly, providing an environment that creates a lasting impact by involving the user’s emotional sense in their experience by engaging them unconsciously into space. The HIPPA, WELL, ADA standards, etc. are considered to create a better overall design as well.”

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