ACE Center & Thomas Jefferson High School

Students from Thomas Jefferson High School recently visited Woodbury and the School of Architecture to explore the campus and school programs. Woodbury University’s ACE Center is collaborating with the National Health Foundation’s Health Academy Program.  This program offers after school lessons on healthy foods and lifestyles with local high schools.  Woodbury’s architecture students are collaborating with the Thomas Jefferson High School students to design and build four mobile units for their campus in support of these programs.

TJHSSupported by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, the Jefferson High School Health Academy officially launched in January, 2014. This project is a partnership between National Health Foundation and Thomas Jefferson High School. The JHS Health Academy is comprised of 4 teams of 12-13 students working to research and identify challenges to accessing and consuming healthy foods and beverages and obstacles for physical activity in the South Los Angeles Community. Youth teams will use the research they conduct to develop and implement a project that helps promote nutrition and or physical activity in the community. At the end of the program, teams will present their projects, strategic plans and outcomes to their peers, families, school administrators, stakeholders and city representatives with the hopes of making changes in local policies, systems and environments.

Woodbury University and the ACE Center are proud partners in supporting students across Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley.  Follow along with ACE and the Healthy Academy Program online and through Instagram. 

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