Faculty / College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Joye Swan

Chair and Professor, Psychology

Dr. D. Joye Swan received her Ph.D. in Applied Social Psychology from Claremont Graduate University. Her research interests include sexual risk-taking, sexual orientation/bisexuality, intimate relationships, and political influence. She writes a monthly column in Psychology Today called “Up Close and Personal” focusing on sexuality and intimacy. Dr. Swan was a 2016 recipient of a summer academy fellowship from the International Society of Political Psychology. Her book, Bisexuality: Theories, Research, and Recommendations for the Invisible Sexuality, co-edited with her former student, Dr. Shani Habibi, is the winner of the Diverse Sexualities Research and Education Institute’s 2020 Book Award.

Dr. Swan’s most recent research publications include:

  • Swan, D. J., Fisher, C., & Kauth, S. (in preparation). Consistently inconsistent: measuring self-identity, behavior, and attraction to define sexual orientation.
  • Swan, D. J. (2018). Models and measures of sexual orientation. In D. J. Swan and S. Habibi (Eds.). Bisexuality: Theories, research, and recommendations for the invisible sexuality. Springer Publications: New York
  • Swan, D. J. & Habibi, S. (Eds. 2018). Bisexuality: Theories, Research, and Recommendations for the Invisible Sexuality. Springer Publications: New York.
  • Swan, D. J. & Habibi, S. (2017). When is a bisexual really bisexual? Testing the “one and done” rule for male bisexuality. Psychology of Sexualities Review, 8(2), 41-54.
  • Swan, D. J. & Thompson, S. C. (2016). Monogamy, the protective fallacy: Sexual versus emotional exclusivity and the implication for sexual health risk. Journal of Sex Research, 53(1), 64-73.
  • Swan, D. J. & Habibi, S. (2015). Heterosexuals do it with feeling:  Heterocentrism in heterosexual college students’ perceptions of bisexuality and heterosexuality. Journal of Bisexuality, 15(2), 1-15.

Read Articles:

Bisexuality and Gender Bias                Monogamy as Protective Fallacy               Heterocentrism in College Students


PhD, Applied Social Psychology, Claremont Graduate School
MA, Social Psychology, Claremont Graduate School
BA, Psychology, California State University, Northridge


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