Faculty / School of Architecture

Berenika Boberska

Adjunct Faculty

Berenika Boberska is an architect, installation artist and urban provocateuse.

She received her Masters of Architecture from the Bartlett School of Architecture and Masters of Fine Art from the Royal College of Art in London. After working as a design architect at Gehry Partners for seven years, on the Spruce Tower in Manhattan and the Princeton Science Library amongst other projects, she started her own practice in Los Angeles in 2007. Feral Office, a visionary praxis engaged in architecture, rural prototypes and experiments, has won an international competition for the Architecture &Design Festival Pavilion in Novosibirsk, Russia, and was nominated for the Iakov Chernikhov Prize in 2010, for most innovative concepts of architecture.

Berenika Boberska describes her practice as being “akin to a laboratory”, exploring specific situations and “spatial specimens” in the rural hinterlands of Los Angeles – with their particular mixture of technology, nature and human eccentricities. Her teaching engages with under-represented geographies which have been largely omitted from the practice of architecture. She is currently working on California City Laboratory and the concept of Solar Baroque – creating prototypes and structures for a more spatial and occupiable photovoltaic energy production, where inspiration is taken in equal measure from collaboration with scientists as well as the poetic and spatial imagination.

Berenika’s design projects and installations have been exhibited and published worldwide, including at the Second Moscow Architecture Biennale, the Graphics Triennale in Jyväskylä, Finland and the University of Wyoming Art Museum. Her book publications include Fallow City (for Detroit), Visionary Praxis and Cautionary Tales.


Master of Fine Arts - Royal College of Art, London, UK
Master of Architecture - Bartlett School of Architecture, University College of London, UK
Bachelor of Science, Honours Degree in Architecture, Building and Environmental Science - Bartlett School of Architecture, University College of London, UK


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