ACS Student Interns with NASA

Kyrollos HannaApplied Computer Science student Kyrollos Hanna, a junior with a minor in Graphic Design emphasizing full stack development and UI/UX design, is currently interning at NASA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Mission Systems + Operations.

“I am currently doing a trade study on the current Multi Missions Ground Support Systems’ Document Management System and their AMMOS IDEA site to try and advise as well as support the development into a new and more modern framework,” Hanna said. “All of my responsibilities include touching practices in system engineer, full stack development, and UI/UX design. Both front and back-end development in order to make sure that the systems are easy to manage, develop, update, and design from all ends.”

As for his duties as an intern a JPL, Hanna explained: “I create documentation in support of my research as to why decisions are being made and how this impacts the stage the MGSS DMS system is currently at. I also attend bi-weekly meetings with my mentor and some of the developers to discuss my findings as well as learn about the current status of the project, along with larger meetings to garner a better understanding of the workflow dynamic and order of my work current workplace. I discuss with my mentor at the end of every day what I’m doing and why it’s relevant. Less as a check-up and more as peer to peer discussion. If the research I do is sufficient enough to move forward, It is possible I will help with the start of the development or shift over to the front-end area and find more work to do there in a different department.”

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