Sonny Ward Joins California Architects Board as New Governor-Appointed Member

The California Architects Board swore in two new Governor-appointed members, Brett Gladstone and Charles “Sonny” Ward, an architect member of the Board. Sonny is a Principal of June Street Architect, Inc., in West Hollywood. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Woodbury University and a Master of Architecture from University of California, Los Angeles, and currently serves on the Woodbury University School of Architecture Board of Advisors. His term will expire on June 30, 2022.

The California Architects Board (Board) was created in 1901 by the California Legislature to fulfill the mission of protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public through the regulation of the practice of architecture in California. It is one of numerous entities within the Department of Consumer Affairs responsible for consumer protection and the regulation of licensed professionals. The Board establishes regulations for examination and licensing of the profession of architecture in California, which today numbers over 21,000 licensed architects and approximately 10,000 candidates who are in the process of meeting examination and licensure requirements.

Sonny Ward founded June Street Architecture in 2009. The team of experienced architects and designers respond to each project with a cohesive solution through innovative design and dynamic spaces. Each project uses existing conditions along with new design elements to develop a new holistic experience. An architecture studio located in West Hollywood, California, JSA is known best for its thorough design process that involves and informs clients every step of the way. Throughout planning and design, JSA works closely with each client to understand their creative vision and goals. Subsequently, JSA provides spaces that are thoughtfully elegant, detailed, sensitive to the surrounding environment, and mindful of the clients’ needs and budgets.

Sonny Ward also received the 2019 Distinguished Alumni Award from Woodbury School of Architecture. Sonny serves on the California Architects Board’s Professional Qualifications Committee, and also serves on the National Center on Adoption and Permanency Board of Advisors, Woodbury University Architecture of Civic Engagement Advisory Board, the Emeritus Board for the Family Equality Council.


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