Marketing and Fashion Marketing: Spring Social

Spring Social

On April 25, Wendy Bendoni, chair of both the Marketing and Fashion Marketing departments, organized a marketing social. The event was a great success, and is intended to become an annual event. The goal of the social was to enable marketing and fashion marketing students to network within the Woodbury community and for alumni to meet current undergraduates from the departments.

The event resulted in three internship opportunities and one job opportunity. A total of 71 guests attended, consisting of 54 current Marketing and Fashion Marketing students (as well as those minoring in Marketing) and 17 alumni. Students and alumni came to the event after work, and before class, with quick rotations in attendance. Current students were able to connect and learn from alumni, and first-year students got advice from a “wall of wisdom,” on which seniors and alumni wrote words of wisdom.

“I believe that it is essential to go beyond the expectations of current students as well as genuinely inspiring alumni,” Bendoni said. She is convinced that the spring social accomplished this idea, and has sensed true Woodbury University pride throughout the event. “Seth Godin once said that marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories, you tell,” she said. “And I feel confident that every one of our students understands the value in stories as well as the tools to how to embrace the future of marketing.”

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