Summer Recap: Heroes and Villains Workshop

This summer, Woodbury School of Architecture faculty member Slade Kaufman partnered with Little Fish Comic Book Studio to host a summer workshop on transforming two dimensional comic book characters into 3D models with architecture and animation technology.

The Heroes and Villains workshop asked students to invent a character and collect resource images that would help them with their design. Exploring color combinations and design variations, the workshop explored character design through representation techniques and digital media. Characters were drawn through multiple side and profile views, then the drawings were imported into Blender to create 3D models. These models where then CNC milled. The final output was character busts that could be sanded, assembled and painted to bring characters to life.

Echoing similar architecture techniques, the workshop was an opportunity for students to explore their creations with drawings, computer renderings, and physical models. It also included a summer exhibition and panel discussion at Woodbury School of Architecture, San Diego.

Collaborators include:

Ric Heitzman, Associate Professor of Animation, Woodbury University
Slade Kaufman, Adjunct Instructor of Architecture, Digital Fabrication Manager, Woodbury University
Alonso Nunez, Founder, Little Fish Comic Book Studio
Andrew Wagner, Adjunct Instructor of Architecture, Digital Fabrication Manager, Woodbury University


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