Dr. Adam Wood to be Published in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

A paper, titled, “How Perceived Power Influences the Consequences of Dominance Expressions in Negotiations”, co-authored by Dr. Adam Wood, assistant professor of Management in the School of Business, got accepted for publication in “Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes” (OBHDP), a top-tier peer-reviewed journal.

Wood and his co-authors, Wiltermuth and Raj, examined how the perceived relative power of negotiators who express dominance influences value claiming and value creation in negotiations. Through their research, the three authors found that negotiators with relatively little power benefited by expressing dominance, as expressing dominance increased relatively low-power negotiators’ abilities to claim value. In contrast, relatively powerful negotiators’ expressions of dominance fueled value creation. Dyads in which only the relatively powerful negotiator expressed dominance created more value than did dyads in which neither, both, or only the relatively powerless negotiator expressed dominance.

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