CEO President Samuel Kleinberg Discusses His Experience at Woodbury University as He Prepares to Host the Annual Baron Business Plan Competition

Freshman Samuel Kleinberg decided to attend Woodbury after a conversation with School of Business Dean Dr. Joan Marques. Sam recalls Dr. Marques was “so accessible—really easy to talk to and [willing to] explain how the process works.” As a prospective student, Samuel saw that same willingness in all of Woodbury’s Faculty and Administration and appreciated their sincere desire to get to know and assist students. “After feeling that in a prospective call and going to a couple of online student events,” said Kleinberg, “I was like, ‘if they’re this accessible to a prospective student, what is it like when you’re actually a student?’”

Since he joined Woodbury, Samuel has come to rely on the professionalism and the accessibility of his professors, noting that “they respond to emails within 24 hours. You can walk into their office, and they’ll be happy to talk with you. In the School of Business, the Deans and Chairs are super, super accessible. There are times where I’m walking in the hall and I have a question, and I’ve walked into the Dean’s office.” Samuel’s positive experience goes well beyond the accessibility of his professors. For instance, there’s the curriculum—classes that seem custom-designed to prepare students for careers in the business world after graduation. Samuel considers the Management 100 course (Fundamentals of Business Enterprise) to be a “boot camp” of sorts where students learn what areas of business suit them best and what career paths they most want to pursue.

Samuel serves as President of Woodbury’s chapter of the Collegiate Entrepreneur Organization (CEO), a student organization that hosts events, guest speakers, and workshops, and allows students to gain practical knowledge and work skills. As President, Samuel’s goal is to help students develop the “tools and abilities to say, ‘I did it in school. I can do it again. I have the ability to write a business plan. I’ll do it again. I know what struggle is. I’ll push that beyond that fence.’” Samuel adds, “anything we can do to help you foster your business and help you with your business, we want to do. We’re out there to support young entrepreneurs.”

One way CEO is working to support Woodbury’s young entrepreneurs is by hosting its annual Baron Business Plan Competition this April. Leading up to the competition, CEO will host a series of workshops on how to write a business plan, something Samuel believes is valuable for all students. As Samuel points out, “whether you’re an architecture student, or a business student, or a marketing student, or a fashion design student, you’re going to have to write a business plan at some point. You’re going to have to write a plan of some sort. A plan of action, at least.” Students of all majors, both undergraduates and graduates, are invited to submit a business plan for an idea that “can be at any stage. It can be something you’re starting. It can be something you’ve had going for three years. It could have something you are trying to get to the next level, trying to figure out what your capital is.” CEO’s goal is to help students develop these plans and prepare them for potential use in the professional world. Samuel says, “it’s something to help you with your businesses. Not necessarily your academic endeavors, but your future.”

With the future in mind, Samuel encourages potential School of Business students to “go in with an open mind…network…and be open, be transparent on who you are.” In fact, it is networking that Samuel believes is one of the greatest values of attending the Woodbury University School of Business. As Samuel says, “your professors want to help you. They want to be accessible to you. They will help you get jobs. They will help you work on finding internships. The Deans want you to succeed. The Chairs want you to succeed.” Samuel stresses the importance of utilizing the resources available and asking the faculty for their guidance. “You are going to get personal attention if you ask for it and look for it,” Samuel says, “it’s just a matter of asking.”


Last Updated on March 23, 2022. 

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