
Dr. Joan Marques Publishes Lead Article in Journal for Quality and Participation

Dr. Joan Marques wrote the lead article for the January 2016 issue of the popular scholarly/business journal Vol. 8 Iss. 4 of “Journal for Quality and Participation” (JQP). The article was divided in two sections and appeared in the journal’s hard copy under the title, “Understanding and Achieving Social Responsibility”, and in the online segment as “Integrating Social Responsibility into the Organization and its Improvement Efforts”.

The article demonstrates through research and examples that companies that make Social Responsibility part of their organizational culture usually emerge as leaders in their industries. A bird’s-eye view on the implications of SR as defined by ISO 26000 and demonstrated by the organizations presented in Marques’ article shows that a solid SR strategy leads to the following highly desirable outcomes:

  • Better decision making and more responsible overall management
  • Greater trust from the public due to a better reputation
  • Increased competitive strength
  • More constructive relationships with stakeholders
  • Stronger innovations due to the connection with a broader base of stakeholders
  • Improved employee retention, morale, and loyalty due to an increased emphasis worker safety and well-being
  • Increased fairness in trade and elimination of corrupt practices
  • Solid bottom line thanks to improved effectiveness and efficiency
  • Greater longevity of the organization due to its sustainable approaches and better social ties with individuals, civic, and commercial entities overall2

The Journal for Quality and Participation is published by the American Society for Quality (ASQ) in the interest of expanding the knowledge and practice of leadership, employee involvement, and other processes that encourage and enable people to participate in decisions that affect quality, customer satisfaction, and the performance of their organizations. The Journal for Quality and Participation is a peer-reviewed publication, which is published four times per year (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter).

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