School of Business Minors

Computer Information Systems Minor

IT experts are always in high demand. Our Computer Information Systems program teaches students to create and deploy the latest cutting-edge systems in business.

Our Computer Information Systems minor is for any student who is interested in gaining a background in IT to accompany their degree. Students will learn the basics of computer science, information systems, and databases while also being able to explore areas of computing that interest them. The Computer Information Systems minor is a valuable asset to any major.

The Computer Information Systems Minor is worth 15 units, and each course is worth 3 units.

Required Courses:

BCIS 100 Foundations of Information Systems 3
CORE 100 Computer Science I 3
BCIS 200 Databases 3
BCIS ___ or CORE___ BCIS or CORE Elective 3
BCIS ___ or CORE___ BCIS or CORE Elective 3

For more information about the minor in Computer Information Systems, contact Dr. Thomas Chapman at [email protected].

Fashion Marketing Minor

Fashion Marketing is not only for students who have an interest in the fashion industry. Fashion Marketing is for any student who is drawn to a creative industry. It is also for students who have an interest in forecasting, tracking, and analyzing trends.

The Fashion Marketing minor is a great complement for any student with creative interests who wants to learn to utilize the latest innovative technology to market products with current and upcoming trends in mind. Our Fashion Marketing minor introduces students to the fundamentals of fashion (FMRK 100), trend analysis (FMRK 235), and marketing (MRKT 301), while also allowing students to take courses in the areas of the industry that interest them the most.

The minor is 15 units, and all courses are worth 3 units each.

15 UNITS: 
Required Courses:

FMRK 100 Fashion Fundamentals 3
FMRK 235 Trend Analysis 3
MRKT 301 Principles of Marketing * 3

Select at least two from the following courses:

FMRK 246 Retail Fashion Buying 3
FMRK 330 Store Planning and Merchandise Presentation 3
FMRK 340 Fashion Promotion 3
FMRK 350 Fashion Styling for the Media 3
FMRK 365 Fashion Journalism 3
FMRK 366 Fashion Law 3
FMRK 410 Fashion Production and Wholesaling 3
FMRK 47XX Upper Division Topics in Fashion Marketing 3

* MRKT 301 will not count as a minor course for students who are required to take the course as part of their major. These students should choose three upper division courses.

For more information about the minor in Fashion Marketing, contact Professor Wendy Bendoni at [email protected].

Management Minor

Every industry has the need for skilled managers who have the ability to organize teams, supervise the daily operations of a business, store, or project, and be leaders in the organization. Regardless of the field or type of business, where there are people to manage, there must be a manager.

Our Management minor is an excellent complement to any major. Students who envision themselves one day being a leader in their field will learn principles and practices that they will be able to apply to their own areas of interest. The Management minor provides students with a broad background with courses in the fundamentals of business, accounting, finance, marketing, business law, and leadership.

This minor is 18 units, and each course is worth 3 units.

18 Units:

ACCT 205 Financial Accounting for Decision Making 3
FINA 360 Financial Management * 3
MGMT 100 Fundamentals of Business Enterprise ** 3
MGMT 110 Legal Environment of Business ** 3
MGMT 326 Management and Organizational Behavior 3
MRKT 301 Principles of Marketing 3

* FINA 360 requires Macroeconomics as a prerequisite.

For more information about the minor in Management, contact Dr. Svetlana Holt at [email protected].

Marketing Minor

Every industry needs to be able to effectively bring attention to their product, service, or project to garner public interest and promote their work. To excel in any area, people need to be able to market themselves as well as their work.

Our minor in Marketing is designed to give students an introduction to the fundamentals of business (MGMT 100) and marketing (MRKT 301) while also giving them the opportunity to explore the areas of Marketing that interest them the most. We bring industry professionals to the classroom, embrace students with real-world experiences, and work with students to create marketing plans and campaigns that solve real-world business problems.

This minor is 18 units, with each course being worth 3 units.

Required Course:

MRKT 310 Consumer Behavior 3
MRKT 355 Market Research and Analysis 3
MRKT 400 Pricing Strategies and Tactics 3
MRKT 451 Strategic Marketing 3
MRKT 3XX Upper Division Marketing Elective* 3
MRKT 341 Marketing on the Internet** 3

*Course is available to students completing a BBA only

**Course is required for students not completing a BBA

*** MRKT 301 is a pre-requisite for each of these courses

For more information about the minor in Marketing, contact Dr. Thuc-Doan Nguyen at [email protected].

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