School of Business Hosts 3rd and Final Faculty Colloquium of Fall Semester

On Tuesday, November 22, 2022, the School of Business hosted its third and final Faculty Colloquium of the Fall 2022 Semester. The third session of the Faculty Research Series was the culmination of an enriching semester of research discussions amongst faculty from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. Faculty from the School of Business, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the university library were in attendance for the November session.

The session began with Dr. Thomas Chapman, Assistant Professor and Chair of the Computer Information Systems program, providing an update on his research focusing on Bitcoin and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. After having shared the ideas of him and his collaborators at the September colloquium, Dr. Chapman shared some initial results. Dr. Chapman also discussed his team’s plans moving forward for the project. This resulted in a robust and enriching discussion amongst the faculty in attendance about the current state of cryptocurrency as well as the future of the market.

Dr. Joan Marques, Dean of the School of Business, then provided an update on her own research. At the October colloquium, Dr. Marques discussed her interest in pursuing research related to Buddhist psychology and career paths. Dr. Marques shared with the group that she had placed that idea on hold and had recently authored a new paper on spirituality versus religion in the workplace. Dr. Marques shared the paper with the group of faculty members in attendance and discussed how her findings compared to her initial hypothesis.

The atmosphere throughout the hour-long session was supportive, engaging, and collegial. While this is the final session of the Fall semester, the Faculty Research Series will return in the Spring 2023 semester with sessions planned for March 28, 2023, and April 25, 2023. Both sessions will take place from 12:00 pm-1:00 pm and will be lightly catered. The School of Business thanks all the faculty who have attended these sessions, and we look forward to more faculty attending and sharing their research ideas in the future. The Faculty Research series is organized by Dr. Thomas Chapman, Chair of the Computer Information Systems department, one of four Title V HSI-CS grant-sponsored programs at Woodbury University. The Computer Information Systems department is housed in the School of Business.


Last Updated on December 8, 2022.

Samantha Lopez:
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