Next Stop for These Political Science Grads? Careers in Law and Politics

Every year, the Political Science Department prepares students for a number of different career paths. In recent years, however, most students are using their education as a foundation for law school and political careers. This year is no different for our four graduating seniors. 

Katherine Demirchyan

Katherine Demirchyan graduates magna cum laude and has been on the Dean’s list every semester during her Woodbury career. She is a proud member of the Armenian Student Association and says Woodbury’s amazing student body, coupled with CAB and ASWU’s long roster of weekly activities, has made her feel connected and helped her forge strong friendships. She graduates with a thesis entitled “Foreign Aid Sent from the U.S.: What Countries Receive and for What?” One of her project goals was to trace where our tax dollars are spent, but she was also interested in the process of tackling a large research question. In fact, research initially drew her to the Political Science major because she knew it would prepare her for law school. Katherine says she “completely fell in love with the major.” She is thankful to her professors for “truly allowing me to blossom during my time here.” Dr. Eric Schockman, her thesis advisor, returns the praise, saying Katherine “is a fun-loving, smart, budding intellectual who is on her way to law school.” Indeed, Katherine is currently working at a law firm and intends to apply to law school following graduation. 

Joseph Ruffoni

Joseph Ruffoni graduates summa cum laude and is interested in a political career. Joseph completed an internship with a local GOP office. After graduation, he aspires to hold public office, starting at the city council level and moving up…maybe as high as the Oval Office! For his thesis, Joseph researched the efficacy of relying on nuclear power as a source of renewable energy in the fight against climate change. During his time at Woodbury, he said he benefitted from the small campus that allowed him to make connections with classmates and have easy access to professors, but what he liked most about the Political Science major was the kindness of the people in his program. When asked about his biggest accomplishment, Joseph cited the opportunity the Covid-19 pandemic gave him to re-evaluate his life, which brought him to Woodbury. “The dark days of the pandemic allowed the opportunity to start over and make a change with a clean slate. Albert Einstein said, ‘In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.’ That quote inspired me to go back to school and begin again.” 

The Political Science Department also celebrates two more graduates this spring. Nicole Leal Maciel looks forward to a career in law school. She is walking this spring but will complete her senior thesis over the summer. Professor Arthur Zverev commends her work interning for Congressman Adam Schiff, an important step toward her legal aspirations. Karine Ter-Harutyunyan graduates at the top of her class, summa cum laude. Her thesis project is titled “Nationalism Versus Globalization,” and she is also heading to law school. 


Last Updated on May 11, 2023. 

Samantha Lopez:
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