Christoph Korner on Unbuilding Walls at the Venice Biennale

Chair of Interior Architecture Christoph Korner will present “Unbuilding Walls – The German Pavilion at the Venice Biennale” at the 2019 IDEC conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. Curated by GRAFT and Marianne Birthler, the German pavilion explored architectures of division and inclusion.

The Unbuilding Walls exhibition responded to current debates on nations, protectionism and division. In the German Pavilion, the project explored the effects of division and the process of healing as a dynamic spatial phenomenon. With reference to “Freespace,” the central theme of the Architecture Biennale proposed by Grafton Architects, special focus was given to outstanding examples of urban and architectural design that address aspects of division and integration. By analyzing architectural projects on the former border strip, the question of what happened on this unprecedented void in the middle of a new capital was examined. Taking the experience of the inner-German wall as a starting point, the exhibition examined historical as well as current barriers, fences and walls beyond Germany’s specific national perspective.

Christoph Korner received his degree in Architecture and Urban Design from the Technical University in Braunschweig, Germany, followed by a MArch from UCLA with an emphasis on History and Theory. Since then he has been a part of GRAFT, an award winning design firm with offices in Los Angeles, Berlin and Beijing. Projects range from Master Planning, Urban Design, Architecture, Interior Design, Exhibition Design, to Product Design. In addition his work has been exhibited and published on several occasions and he authored articles and books.



Samantha Lopez:
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