Black Lives Matter: Dean’s Message to WSOA Community

Dear friends and community,

Over the past week, the profound grief at the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade and countless others, is finding voice in historical protests. Woodbury School of Architecture declares solidarity with the Black communities of Los Angeles and San Diego, the United States and the voices demanding change. As an institution of higher learning, we are both complicit in systemic inequalities as well as a potential incubator for disruption.

We must take responsibility for doing too little when so much more work is needed. Our diverse students deserve an education that is reflective of their experience. We will work to increase the numbers of underrepresented students, faculty, staff, critics and lecturers. Our curricula must consider the impact of who we design for and how we can better educate students on the history of inequality and racial exclusion in architecture and interior design. Words hold weight, but actions speak louder.

Each of us is responsible for making our society more just. We ask for your voices as we take action for change. We welcome your participation as our School of Architecture community works to listen, create more pathways, include a greater diversity of discourse, and advocate for good design as a human right. I look forward to inviting you soon to a series of discussion forums this summer to discuss collective ideas for action.

With reflection and respect,
Ingalill Wahlroos-Ritter

Support and Learning Resources:

National Organization of Minority Architects

Space/Race Reading List

Black Visions Collective

Design Milk

Samantha Lopez:
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