Summer Course Announcement: April 9, 2020

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Dear Campus Community,

As we complete our third week in this new environment of remote course and services delivery, I want to thank faculty and staff for their hard work and commitment to the University’s mission. Faculty continue to serve our students with their disciplinary and pedagogical expertise. Staff continue to provide vital student services and support to faculty while maintaining daily operations.  Additionally, I commend the students for their diligence and adaptability in transitioning to online learning.

We continue monitoring the progress of the Safer at Home Order and believe that its effect on University operations will continue beyond the beginning of the summer term. In order to prevent any disruptions in the middle of the term, and to help students plan adequately for the summer, we have decided to continue teaching the summer courses remotely. This

will apply to the two seven‐week sessions, the two six‐week sessions, and the 10‐week session.

In addition to the summer term course work, the following summer activities are looking into remote delivery: Placement Exams, SOAR and Graduate Orientation, Summer Bridge Program, and High School Academy. The University has to ensure that we are adequately prepared to offer these opportunities to new students and non‐matriculating high school students remotely before we determine if this delivery method is feasible. Please look out for future communications on these programs as they are researched and developed.



Randy Stauffer

Sr. Vice President, Academic Affairs


Updated on April 9, 2020




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