Dear Woodbury Campus Community,
As you may be aware, there are two local fires in southern California, the Bobcat Fire, and the El Dorado Fire. The South Coast Air Quality Management District reports unhealthy air quality in southern California, with the worst air qualities closest to the Bobcat and El Dorado fires. To check the air quality in your area, visit
The Bobcat Fire originated near Azusa in the Angeles National Forest, has burned more than 26,000 acres, and is at 6% containment. The El Dorado Fire centered in the Yucaipa area of the San Bernardino National Forest has scorched more than13,700 acres and is 31% contained.
Fine, particulate matter like smoke, ash, and vapors pose a direct threat to your health. If you can see or smell smoke, ensure you stay indoors with the windows and doors closed. Please run your air conditioning when possible. If you need to go outside, wearing a face-covering can help.
Campus Security Administrators will continue to monitor these fires over the weekend. As such, we would like to provide important information and resources for any community member affected by these fires.
Bobcat Fire
Evacuation warnings are in effect for Monrovia, Arcadia, Bradbury, Sierra Madre, Altadena, Duarte and Pasadena. At this time, no Evacuation Orders in these communities have been issued—however, it’s important to stay well-informed as this is an evolving incident.
El Dorado Fire
Residents and businesses may check to see if they are within evacuation order or warning areas by going to the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Interactive Mapping Tool.
Evacuations Orders (red)
Yucaipa Area
– From Highway 38, South all areas East of Bryant, North of Carter, East of Jeffreys / Cherry Croft between Carter and Oak Glen Road, then North of Oak Glen Road from Chery Croft to Canyon, then East of Canyon Drive from Oak Glen Road to Wildwood Canyon Drive, and areas North of Wildwood Canyon Drive from Canyon Drive to the junction with Oak Glen Road.
– Oak Glen (partial, see map tool),
-All residents located east of Bryant street on Highway 38 including Mountain Home, Forest Falls, Angelus Oak, 7 Oaks and Jenks Lake Area East to Onyx Summit. Angelus Oaks / Seven Oaks Residents, You must drive North to Big Bear, CA as Highway 38 is impacted by fire. Rock slides are also being reported along Highway 38 where the fire has loosened rocks.
Evacuation Warning (yellow) – Voluntary, but you should be prepared to leave at any time.
– North of Carter, West of Bryant, South of Highway 38, East of Garnet. Those who require additional time to evacuate and those with pets and livestock should leave now.
– Big Bear residents, please monitor the El Dorado Fire and stay informed on fire conditions. Please check social media platforms frequently for updates on the #ElDoradoFire.
– Fire Managers and Big Bear Emergency Agencies issued a Travel Advisory Notice yesterday for visitors to the Big Bear Area, who are urged to consider postponing their travel due to the El Dorado Fire.
The Campus Security Department urges you to visit us online and review all evacuation and emergency notification information. This vital information will better assist affected community members. Should you have any questions or need additional resources, please email We hope you continue to stay healthy and well during these trying times.
Message sent out on September 11, 2020
Last Updated on September 14, 2020