Dear Residential Students,
I know that many of you are concerned about the recent updates surrounding COVID-19. We want to reassure you that we are closely monitoring the situation and will continue to update you. With the recent decision to move classes online, we know many of you have questions about housing. I would like to reassure you that as long as it is deemed safe to do so housing will remain open for students.
That being said, any students who are able to go home are strongly encouraged to do so. If however, you are not able to go home rest assured that housing and meal services will continue to be available.
If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness please complete the online form HERE so that our campus nurse can advise you of the next steps and inform housing at immediately.
The university has increased the cleaning measures in the residence halls to also help combat the spread of any potential illness. You can do your part by continuing to practice good hygiene methods by washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If your bathroom does not have soap or paper towels please inform your RA as soon as possible so that we can replenish supplies. We are also discouraging large groups from gathering in individual rooms or the lobby.
We know that this transition may be challenging. If you have questions or concerns please visit the Safety and Security website HERE for the most up to date information.