Dear Woodbury Campus Community
Today California’s Governor ordered a major rollback of reopening across several counties, which affect our campuses. The new closures consist of all bars, indoor restaurants, and indoor operations at wineries, tasting rooms, movie theaters, family entertainment centers, zoos, museums and cardrooms.
As we continue to follow all local and state guidelines, starting Monday, July 20th, the university will allow any faculty or staff who wish to return to campus to do so. At this time, we are extending all Remote Work to continue through August 7th, with an anticipated return to campus date of August 10th, two weeks before the opening of school. The process of sending a request to to access campus is now eliminated. Any faculty or staff who wish to resume work from campus can do so as long as you continue to complete the COVID-19 screening survey before arriving on campus. Upon arrival, you will be required to sign in with Security.
As we continue to navigate this fluid and ever-changing pandemic, the following protocols are being adopted. This information has been created for your health and safety. Below you will find information on Woodbury’s new visitor, cleaning and sanitizing policies.
New Visitor Policy
In an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19 and to help protect your health and safety, Woodbury will only allow visitors who are critical to our business. No personal guests will be allowed. All requests for visitors to access campus should be emailed to 24 hours in advance. Please note that calling security will not be considered an authorized request as security officers do not have the authority to make these decisions. Only the Security Administrators (John Lewis, Security Coordinator & Ian Wright, Security Specialist) have the authority to approve visitor access through the email. Please do not reach out to them personally. All visitors will be required to fill out a Visitor Policy/Limited Liability Release Form to enter campus. Denial or failure to complete this form will result in the visitor being denied access to campus.
Examples of business critical visitors include:
- Vendors who regularly service campus facilities and equipment
- Vendors who are summoned to service campus facilities and equipment
Examples of non-business critical visitors include:
- Personal visitors
- Guest Lecturer
- Any friends or guests of students who are not enrolled at Woodbury
Food delivery will still be allowed. All arrivals will be directed to park at the flag poles. Security will not call you to advise that your order has arrived so please ensure you meet your delivery promptly at the flag poles. This will help alleviate traffic as the Cabrini pedestrian and vehicle gate is closed.
All departments who regularly have vendors servicing campus facilities and equipment please email so their information can be documented and filed with security. This will ensure there will not be an interruption to service.
Cleaning & Sanitizing Classrooms & Work/Break Areas
Woodbury continues to hold the health and wellness of our community members as a top priority. As such, we are requiring all faculty & staff to clean & sanitize their immediate desk/office area upon arrival and upon departure. These areas include but are not limited to: classrooms, service counters, and kitchen. Items within these areas include but are not limited to: door handles/knobs, computer equipment, remotes, desks, and any other high-touch objects. As a reminder, meetings are to be held virtually. Meeting rooms should also not be utilized as some rooms will serve as faculty/staff workspaces to contribute to social distancing. Each department will receive cleaning supplies to assist you in cleaning these areas. Departments may implement more frequent cleaning schedules and mandate specific supplies to be used. Our janitorial group will continue to clean all restrooms and other high-touch areas several times throughout the day. In an effort to be transparent, cleaning schedules will be published, with the signature of the janitorial staff, to certify that the area has been properly cleaned and sanitized.
Social Distancing
While we recognize that our community is navigating dynamic times and getting used to several new normals, the Campus Security Department is hiring numerous student workers to work as social distancing ambassadors. They will patrol campus common areas and remind community members to maintain six feet social distancing and ensure everyone is wearing a facemask. Social Distancing Ambassadors will wear neon colored safety vests to identify themselves. As mentioned, Woodbury recognizes that these are dynamic times. Social Distancing Ambassadors will provide gentle reminders to community members who do not wear a facemask or maintain six feet social distancing.
On behalf of the COVID-19 Response Team!
Natalie Avalos
VP, Administrative Services & HR
Last updated July 13, 2020