Jesus Montes Awarded 2017 AIA Pasadena Award

Woodbury School of Architecture student Jesus Montes recently received AIA Pasadena’s 2017 Jean Roth Driskel Scholarship and AIA Component Grant. Montes joins student Roxanna Bailey from USC as the two 2017 recipients. The chapter’s Scholarship Committee, led by Kenneth Long, AIA, convene each spring and fall to determine the student scholars. The students were recognized for their outstanding scholarship at the chapter’s 2017 Design Awards Gala / Board of Directors Installation on Saturday, January 27th.

In 1971, the JRD Scholarship was established in the name of the first woman Chapter President, Jean Roth Driskel, FAIA, to honor her great love for and dedication to the profession of architecture. The JRD scholarships are annually awarded to two students: one a Community College student and one a University student in recognition of their dedication, enthusiasm, and ability in the field of architecture. Nominated by their schools, the Community College student candidate for the Spring Scholarship must have been accepted to a NAAB accredited program for a first professional architectural degree. The University student candidate for the Fall Scholarship must be in the penultimate year of a NAAB accredited program for a first professional architectural degree.

Since April 1990, the funds for this scholarship program have been held and administered by the California Community Foundation (CCF), an established 501 C-3 organization.

In recent years The National AIA has contributed an additional scholarship to each of the recipients with the requirement that the student be in a NAAB accredited program.

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Samantha Lopez:
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